Materials Design & Production
undertake design and development of social sector
communication campaigns, covering a wide range of print,
electronic, interactive and innovative product development
and design.
Communication products that
we design:
ICT based tools
@ Interactive
@ Edutainment
based comic books
@ Posters,
leaflets, booklets
@ TV Spots
documentaries, training films, curtain raisers, etc
@ Audio
materials: Music based products to support behaviour
change communication;
Radio spots, Radio serial dramas
@ Clinic based
materials to support counseling and treatment adherence
@ One-on-one and
group communication aids
@ Thematic street
theatre scripts and song booklets
@ Reminder
materials such as desk and wall calendars
@ Outdoor media
design, including bus panels, hoardings etc
@ Mobile exhibits
and panels
Since its inception,
The Communication Hub has developed a series of training films using high-end animation. These films have touched upon myriad topics, including tuberculosis, injecting drug usage, skills in outreach work for HIV/AIDS, programme management skills, and training in maternal and neonatal care for village-based health workers.
For further information see