Duration: 30 mins
Year of Production: 2009
Client: National AIDS Control Organization and Public Health Foundation of India (with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)
Brief Description: Through the experiences of a counsellor named Swati, the film depicts four case studies that feature vulnerable communities with higher risk behaviour in the context of STI/RTI and HIV/AIDS. The film is intended to build counsellors’ skills as also to sensitize them to the issues surrounding vulnerable communities such as female sex workers, men having sex with men and injecting drug users. The film can be viewed at one stretch or can be used by the facilitator in a stop-and-start mode so as to enable discussion after each case.
Additional aid: The facilitation guide accompanying the film recaps the case studies and also provides the facilitator with a series of discussion questions around each case that can be used to sharpen analytical skills of the participants.